Synopsis Embark on a mystical journey as we explore the transformative power of Angel Card Reading and Meditation Therapies at an Angel Healing Center. Learn how Angel Readings and Tarot Card Reading Angels provide spiritual guidance and insights that can lead to profound personal growth. This blog delves into the […]
Exploring Regression Therapy and Meditation Therapies with a PLR Therapist
Synopsis Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing as we explore the powerful combination of Regression Therapy and Meditation Therapies. Guided by an experienced PLR Therapist, you can unlock the mysteries of your subconscious mind and address deep-seated emotional issues. This blog delves into the transformative effects of Hypnosis […]
Chronic health: healing and therapeutic approaches for illness
Chronic illness: Healers play various and numerous roles in providing healing for individuals with chronic illness. Role of a healer complementing primary care: Medical treatment and management: Reiki healing: Treatment for chronic health requires medical treatment/management involving the requisite professional and medical intervention. The role of reiki healing is as […]
Energy principles for harmonising office spaces & working environments (Part 02)
Healing methodologies and various treatments, therapies, and practices are extremely beneficial for working environments, and they enable the effective mechanisms to take place between individuals that can increase collaboration, cooperation and harmony. This in turn improves the efficiency of the office and working environment. Healing and energy techniques are meditative […]
Anxiety & related disorders: an introduction, & effective therapy towards resolution.
Introduction: anxiety & anxiety disorders: “In June 2023, within Sweden, 44 percent of individuals had faced some mental health issue that included anxiety within the prior 12 months.” Anxiety is an emotional state that is identified with worrying, stress, panic, and symptoms such as increased heart rate and perspiration/breathing. If […]
Financial trouble: treatment and therapies for financial well-being.
“What could a healer possibly provide for me in terms of my financial well-being? I was only aware that this was a purely mechanical process, and targeted with effective resolution through income streams and generation of revenue” “My financial education and literacy were nil during my youth, which has left […]
Spirit Communication: utilizing higher intelligences towards resolution & development.
“I have consulted other mediums before, but I seek my own contact with a guardian spirit” “I am currently facing professional difficulties, and emotional instability” “My quarterly horoscope suggested my business is in danger, I am urgently seeking spirit communication” “I want to connect with a deceased individual, and see […]
Addressing marital issues via counseling & therapy, towards resolution.
“I married my partner in 2013, we are struggling with several marital issues & I believe they require intervention & support” “I and my partner require guidance & counselling” Introduction: Are you struggling with marital troubles or marital issues? That require effective resolution? Marriage can place enormous demands & strain […]