The destiny healer

Roles healers play in career coaching

The role of a career counsellor differs significantly from that of a healer. However, healers provide therapeutic, holistic, and overall beneficial improvements for individuals, including developing goals and identifying objectives to propel them to their career and professional path. Career coaching for healers is the ultimate objective, but it also […]

Chronic health: healing and therapeutic approaches for illness

Chronic illness: Healers play various and numerous roles in providing healing for individuals with chronic illness. Role of a healer complementing primary care: Medical treatment and management: Reiki healing: Treatment for chronic health requires medical treatment/management involving the requisite professional and medical intervention.  The role of reiki healing is as […]

Energy principles for harmonising office spaces & working environments (Part 02)

Healing methodologies and various treatments, therapies, and practices are extremely beneficial for working environments, and they enable the effective mechanisms to take place between individuals that can increase collaboration, cooperation and harmony. This in turn improves the efficiency of the office and working environment. Healing and energy techniques are meditative […]

Unveiling the Mystery: Does Reiki Really Work?

Introduction: Understanding the Realm of Healing In the broad spectrum of healing therapies, one ancient Japanese technique stands out for its tranquillity and spiritual essence: Reiki. For many, it’s an enigma, a process steeped in mystery and scepticism. Yet, others swear by its incredible healing potential. This presents a contentious […]